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Why Ingredients Matter in your Beauty Routine

Why Ingredients Matter in your Beauty Routine
It’s time to rethink your daily skincare ritual. People are becoming more and more aware of ‘clean beauty’ and what this to means to them as individuals, so we thought we’d offer our insight into the importance of the ingredients that go into your products. With the rising awareness of environmental impact (and how we can all make a difference), health concerns and a demand for ethical products that don’t compromise on quality, consumers are becoming more mindful of the ingredients they apply to their skin. Our ethos at Sonela believes that every product should be crafted with intention, using the finest ingredients that enhance your natural beauty and promote your sense of well-being.

If you’ve got this far and you’re still wondering about why you should care about the ingredients in your make-up and skincare products, let us explain. Your skin is the largest organ of your body, and it absorbs a huge amount of what you put on it. Have you ever considered how these ingredients potentially affect your skin’s health long-term? Many conventional products may use harsh chemicals that, while they provide short term results, they can lead to chronic ailments such as irritation and dryness.

This is why Sonela takes a different approach. We have spent time refining our processes and ingredients list, selecting elements for their hydrating, nourishing and beneficial properties. Our products use Adaptogens, which are found in herbs and plants, playing a vital role in our formulations. Having been used in Ayurvedic medicine for years, Adaptogens are recognised for helping the body regulate stress internally and externally. When applied topically to the skin, they have the potential to soothe any irritation, reduce inflammation and calm the skin. Incoming – natural radiance!

Our philosophy is all about mindful beauty, focusing on ingredients that are kind to the environment as well as your skin. Notably, ginseng promote natural collagen production, helping to improve skin tone and texture. Rich in caffeine, guarana offers energizing effects, while smoothing and tightening the skin. Let’s not forget prickly pear, with a high vitamin and antioxidant content, your skin will feel nourished and hydrated.

Beyond what we do use in our products, it’s just as important to illustrate the ingredients that we don’t use at Sonela. We refuse to use over 2,000 potentially harmful ingredients, with a commitment to clean beauty to ensure our formulations are safe, effective and free from skin-harming chemicals. Plus, our suppliers have been carefully selected to ensure our ingredients have been responsibly sourcing, protecting ecosystems and communities. Find out more about the ingredients we avoid here.

So, take a closer look at the products you use and consider if they still align with your values. Take into account your skin’s long-term health, the environment and what is important to you. At Sonela, we believe beauty is clean, mindful and intentional, all while achieving happy and healthy skin.