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Delving into the Stress-Meets-Skin Connection: Understanding Cortisol and your Skin

Delving into the Stress-Meets-Skin Connection: Understanding Cortisol and your Skin

Stress has become a fundamental and quite frankly, inevitable, part of our daily lives. From work deadlines to social commitments, stress can manifest itself in various ways. And one of those ways, is through our skin. As a revolutionary beauty brand, at Sonela we believe in the power of holistic beauty, where healthy skin begins from within. Keep reading to discover the powerful (and somewhat undiscovered) connection between stress, cortisol and our skin – along with the mindful rituals we recommend following to keep those stress levels and skin in check.

What is cortisol?

First things first, let’s get a little scientific! Produced by the adrenal glands, you may have heard cortisol being referred to as the ‘stress hormone’. An integral part of the body’s natural response to stress, cortisol plays a vital role in an array of bodily functions.

You might be surprised to know that, in small doses, cortisol can actually be beneficial. It can help to manage energy levels, inflammation and even blood sugar levels. However, the tables turn when that stress becomes chronic, and the body then begins producing an excess amount of cortisol. This is when cortisol has a detrimental effect on your body, as well as your skin.

How does cortisol affect your skin?

Let’s break it down for you. When cortisol levels spike, it triggers a set of reactions that compromise your skin’s health. Here are a handful of ways that cortisol can impact your skin:

ACNE BREAKOUTS: Cortisol increases oil production, which can potentially lead to clogged pores, excess oil and therefore, acne. This type of acne is often incredibly stubborn and can be hard to treat topically. The root cause – stress – needs to be addressed to see an improvement.

ECZEMA FLARE-UPS: If you’re prone to skin ailments such as eczema or dermatitis, stress can sometimes aggravate these conditions. When you’re stressed and cortisol levels are elevated, your skin barrier can be weakened. This means irritants and allergens can lead to inflamed, dry and irritated patches.

PREMATURE AGEING: While we can’t reverse the effects of aging, long-term stress can certainly accelerate it. High levels of cortisol can break down collagen and elastin (the stuff that keeps skin firm and supple). This can lead to fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin.

How do I know when cortisol levels are high?

Recognizing that you’re feeling stressed is the first step to combatting it and will help reduce and even avoid the potentially adverse impact it can have on your skin before it takes its toll. If your stress levels are rising, you may notice:

SKIN CHANGES: Are you suffering from a ‘random’ breakout? Perhaps your skin is much drier than usual. Lots of skin conditions are linked to stress. This is why usually in the lead-up to a big and important event, we suffer from a breakout!

SLEEP PATTERN CHANGES: You may struggle to fall asleep or to stay asleep. And when you wake up, you might not feel well rested. It’s true – you have stress to thank for that one!

MOOD SWINGS: If you’re finding you feel irritated quicker than usual, chances are you’re feeling stressed. You may also feel anxious, overwhelmed or overly emotional.

PHYSICAL SYMPTONS: Feeling run down (that all-too frequent cold you can’t seem to shake off), struggling with headaches or simply feeling a little ‘achy’ are all signs of high stress levels.

How can I use ‘mindful practices’ to reduce cortisol levels?

If you think stress is making the appearance of your skin deteriorate, there are lots of mindful practices to help lower your cortisol levels and instead, improve your overall well-being.

MINDFULNESS & MEDITATION: Deep breathing exercises, meditation and yoga can offer you the chance to lower cortisol levels while encouraging relaxation. If you’re worried about finding the time to meditate, even just a few minutes a day can provide a transformative experience.

SLEEPING HABITS: Sleep is hugely important when it comes to reducing cortisol levels. Aim for 6 – 8 hours per night, establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a calm and restful environment. Never underestimate the impact a good night’s sleep can have on cortisol regulation.

BE ACTIVE: Although the thought of going for a run or doing a workout may feel unappealing when you’re stressed, it will work wonders for lowering stress hormones (especially when you do it outdoors in the fresh air). Whether it’s a brisk walk, Pilates or a quick training session in the gym, regular exercise is hugely beneficial.

NOURISHMENT: Focus on creating a balanced and healthy diet that embraces vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – all of which work together to support your body’s stress response.

CONNECTION: Socializing, whether with friends or family, is a powerful remedy for stress. Reach out to loved ones and revel in a guaranteed mood-boost.

EMBRACE HOLISTIC BEAUTY: At Sonela we promote beauty that delves beyond the skin – we go deeper. We believe that by managing your stress and by taking care of your inner self, you’ll encourage healthy skin and improved well-being. Our Sonela products are designed to be a part of your daily ritual, allowing you to take the time to relax while enhancing your natural beauty.

Remember, your skin is a reflection of what’s going on inside. Take care of it mindfully, in the way your skin deserves, and it will glow with health, radiance and happiness. Now you’re clued up on how to keep your cortisol levels in check, we welcome you to browse our latest products.