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Why Clean Beauty Brands are the Biggest Trend Out There

Why Clean Beauty Brands are the Biggest Trend Out There

It goes without saying, everyone is growing increasingly aware of the impact our choices have on both our bodies and the planet, which is having a rippling effect on the beauty industry. Clean beauty brands, such as Sonela, are leading the way, championing sustainability, mindful consumption and an appreciation for our authentic beauty. We’re exploring why clean beauty is currently a hot topic, as well as offering our guidance on how you can make mindful choices within your beauty routine and daily ritual.

Sustainability is Beautiful

Once just a buzzword, sustainability is here to stay and is an integral part of the beauty industry’s future. Consumers are considering their environmental footprint when making beauty-related purchases, whether that’s the ingredients in their products or the packaging that potentially ends up in landfill sites. This shift has paved the way for clean beauty brands to shine, encouraging transparency, ethical sourcing and eco-friendly practices. Consumers are demanding high standards when it comes to sustainability, and we are here for it. At Sonela, we embrace natural, non-toxic ingredients and recyclable packaging to ensure our products are as kind to the earth as they are to your skin.

Making Mindful Choices

Here are a handful of ways you can be more considered when it comes to choosing your beauty products:

READ THE LABEL: It’s super easy to pick something up because the bottle looks pretty, because it has a special offer running or simply because you’ve only got two minutes left of your lunchbreak to buy something. Instead, take the time to read the ingredients list on your beauty products. Look for natural, non-toxic ingredients that align with your values. Don’t forget you can delve into the ingredients we use here.

RECYCLABLE PACKAGING: Opt for brands that embrace recyclable, or eco-friendly packaging. Reducing plastic waste is a huge step towards a sustainable industry. Ensure you follow instructions on how to recycle/reuse to support the brand’s approach to sustainability.

MINIMALIST BEAUTY: Focus on quality over quantity and purchase multi-purpose products that minimize waste (and reduce the number of items in your make-up bag).

We’re excited to see the beauty industry evolve with consumers demand for transparency, sustainability and ethical practices. So, when you buy from Sonela, our products will make you look fabulous while making you feel even better about the intentional choices you’re making. You’re not just investing in the health of your skin; you’re committing to a more sustainable world.